Home Must Read How To Draw Simple Anime Hair For Beginners

How To Draw Simple Anime Hair For Beginners


Black Lagoon Anime Drawing

How To Draw Hair Anime For Beginners

Black Lagoon has always been a part of our life as we grew up, and probably, it is still embedded somewhere. But drawing it often seems too hard watching it on the television. On the television, due to the use of graphics and color shades, it often seems quite exaggerated. In contrast to it, when you draw it on the paper, replicating the postures becomes too easy a task. Keeping a few of the black inks with you would be great too and you can use them to make the features prominent.

How To Draw Hair: Any Hairstyles Tutorial With 10 Art Tips

The tutorial is one of the complete Anime Hairstyle tutorials for beginners. It teaches you the fundamentals of drawing hair on anime characters. This artist is also one of the most famous artists in drawing anime characters.

You can easily follow these steps to master a few hairstyles. In this tutorial, you will learn the importance of direction for your hairstyle. You will also learn how to use different lines as drawing aids. Furthermore, it also illustrates how to create your hairstyle around these simple lines.

Once you follow the basic rules laid out in this tutorial, you can create various hairstyles using them. Whether you want to draw straight hair or messy hair, the basic drawing principles are the same.

This tutorial also has some pro-tips to help you draw beyond the basic anime hairstyles. In short, it is one of the complete anime hairstyle tutorials available. Therefore, both beginners, as well as advanced anime artists can benefit from this tutorial.

Drawing The Basic Head Shape

  • 1Draw a circle on your paper with a vertical line running through the middle. Use a pencil so youre able to erase your lines if you make a mistake. Lightly draw the circle in the center of a piece of paper so you have room to add features to it. Find the middle of your circle and lightly sketch a straight line that extends from the top of the circle down your sheet of paper so you know where the middle of the face is.XResearch source
  • Start by drawing your circle large so you have room to draw the features. Otherwise, your lines may get messy and it could be hard to draw correctly.
  • Tip: If you have trouble drawing a circle without help, either use a compass or trace something circular.

  • 2Make a guide line for the eyes a third of the way up from the bottom of the circle. Measure about a third of the way up from the bottom of your circle and use your pencil to make a mark. Use a straightedge to draw a horizontal line that extends past the edges of the circle to use as a guide for the characters eyes. Dont apply too much pressure when you draw the line since it will be hard to erase otherwise.XResearch source
  • Your measurements do not need to be precise. If you dont have a ruler, estimate the distance with the end of your pencil instead.
  • If youre drawing a female character, place the mark at a distance equal to of the circles diameter since female anime and manga characters tend to have rounder faces.
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    Keep Different Parts Of Your Drawing In The Same Stages Of Completion

    Try and keep the various objects in your drawing in roughly the same state of completion. If for example you are drawing eyes than draw the outer shape of each eye and then draw the shape of each iris. By doing so you will be more likely to notice if the first one is out of place and you will only need to do a little back tracking if you make a mistake .

    For more on drawing anime eyes see:

    How To Draw Anime Girl Face

    how to draw anime characters step by step for beginners ...

    While the video isnt such a high-quality, the thing that I like about it is the authenticity and the realness of it. There might some coughing and things going in the background, but I still like the drawing that the artist creates.

    If anything, the drawing is solid and looks very nice. Its also easy to follow through the video and learn while watching.

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    How To Draw Manga Hair Of A Female Character

    Anime hair is often based on real hairstyles but is drawn in tufts rather than individual strands. An important reason for this is that it would be too time-consuming if you draw several single images of a manga with too much detail.

    A good way to learn how to draw anime hair efficiently is to divide the hairstyle into several parts. First the front part of the hairstyle, then the sides and then the back/bottom .

    Lets see how you can draw a typical anime hairstyle for girls. The figure has diagonal bangs on the front and a braid hanging down the back of the head.

    Lucky Star Anime Drawing

    Tsukasa Hiiragi, popularly known as the Lucky Star, in the anime world, has kept us drooling over her superpowers in adolescence and even though the majority of us are adults today, hardly many have overcome the fervor. However, with our anime drawing ideas, you can get back to your childhood days, and fill your sketchbooks with its drawings. Once you begin, you are hardly even running out of ideas because the particular anime character has often been seen trying out various postures and doing actions.

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    How To Draw Anime Face Step By Step

    Step 1: Draw a big circle, divide it into 4 equal sections. Draw another horizontal line below the horizontal diameter and also draw a line outside the circle as shown in the image below.

    Step 2: Start outlining jaws and neck from the last 2 lines drawn in step 1.

    Step 3: Raise up the jawline drawing full face and ears on both side.

    Step 4: Draw 2 eyes below the diameter line marked or in the same line with ears. Mark a small line for the nose as in the image below.

    Step 5: On the line of the big circle draw mark 3 for the mouth. Above the eyes draw eyebrows.

    Step 6: Erase all the extra lines are drawn and your face outline is clearly visible to you.

    Step 7: This is the final step of drawing, draw hair bangs for the anime. Here this anime girl has short hair, you can finish it with long hair too.

    How To Draw Manga With Sonia Leong

    How to draw hair anime for beginners | Simple Drawings

    While the art tutorial video isnt narrated, it still a good video as it shows you and explains to you how to divide features in the head. Drawing the head from a profile might be challenging for some of you, but the simple method shown to you in this video makes the whole process that much easier.

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    Anime Drawing Tutorials For Beginners Step By Step

    Drawing a simple anime The style of anime characters can be a little more complicated than drawing normal characters because there are usually more options you can make. But the basic approach is the same. We have tips on how to draw anime characters step by step for beginners. Its very difficult for beginners to find textbooks. This app includes anime drawing ideas as a reference when you draw your character.

    How To Draw Anime Boy Face

    A very simple and straightforward video on how to draw boys face in anime style starting by drawing the circle and adding the needed lines for the jaw and eyes.

    As you might have seen, the basics are always the same. Draw a circle and then add lines. Its that simple, yet it isnt when you want to draw a beautiful face. Its all about proportions and how things are placed in the head.

    The video has a narration that makes it easy to follow through and learn at the same time. Its also nice to see the hand movements from the artist and the thought process behind the lines.

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    How To Draw An Anime Girl

    We all must learn to walk before we can run. It is well known that newcomers to comics and amateur work are posted on sites with problems of anatomy and proportion.

    The artist creates many popular works using this method before developing his unique style, which has now become very famous. There are many other examples of this in this industry. Sometimes it takes to do this to find our own look.

    I hope that this article can be a source of inspiration for you, thank you very much.

    Color Anime Skin In Photoshop

    How to Draw Anime and Manga Hair

    When coloring an anime character its essential to get the skin right.

    Choose uncomplimentary colors or place the shadows in the wrong place and your character will look waxy and out of place.

    This tutorial goes over how to choose your skin tone and shows you a few traditional techniques to use when shading.

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    How To Draw A Simple Anime Face From 3 Sides Front/side/profile With Guidelines

    Okay, I think Mikey Mega Mega is one of those teachers that are just plain good. I mean, the teaching style is very clear, consistent, and you can easily follow his guidance.

    This video shows you how to draw the anime head from the front, side, and profile. As you can notice from the video, drawing the head and face is not about being super perfect. Its about getting the elements around the right place. The better you can place nose, ear, eye in the head. The better the results.

    But its not about being perfect. Its about being close enough.

    At the end of the video, there is a speed up process on finalizing the head and face to completion.

    How To Learn Drawing

    Beginner’s drawing guide: from doodle to art. Start by swapping out these shapes for a drawing. Draw drawing exercises of the world around you. Learn to draw better by copying. Draw lessons that will help you develop your skills. Go from sketch to digital painting. Experiment with brushes. Make a comic panel. Explore the character illustration.

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    Creating The Hair Structure

    Pick a shape and reduce the opacity of that particular layer to something like 20-30%. Create a new layer on top of the shape layer and quickly sketch a slightly more defined structure of the hair. In this phase, your goal is to define the hair a bit more. Adding strands and smaller blocks of hair.

    Really create that variation in the hair. Do not define too many details at this point. You have plenty of time and opportunities to do those later down the road. The goal was to define it further but not too much. Keep it loose. This way you also relax your mind and dont focus on unnecessary details.

    Keeping your mind open to new opportunities is always important.

    You never know what your mind throws at you so you should keep the sketch loose. Give it the space it needs.

    If you go in with the details, it becomes more and more irritating to add new elements to the drawing. This could be my personal problem here. I dont like to do things twice. Kind of like, you have drawn something and spent time on it. Then something cool comes to your mind.

    Something you just have to add to the drawing. At this point, it is a pain to erase and delete those nice details and lines you created earlier. You know.

    Its never too nice to delete something you have put an effort to. So keeps this in mind when sketching and also knowing when to get to the details phase.

    Draw Things That Are Hidden

    How to Draw Hair | ANY HAIRSTYLES Tutorial with 10 Art Tips

    Its sometimes a good idea to draw things that are hidden by something else.

    In the above example some parts of the head and face will be hidden by the hair in the final drawing but you may still want to draw their basic shapes and erase them later. The reason for this is to insure the correct placement of the parts that are visible. For example by doing a light drawing of the second eye you will be able to check the spacing between the eyes which will help you insure that the visible eye is correctly placed. You can also draw the outer shape of the ears to estimate the volume the hair needs in order cover them.

    For drawing anime style faces see:

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    Alternative Female Anime Hair

  • 1Draw a sketch for a woman’s head to provide framework for the hair.
  • 2Draw the hair using rounded curves which extend along the framework to the neck.
  • 3Refine the hair using simple curves and strokes around the hair.
  • 4Draw details for the face especially the eyes.
  • 5Trace with a pen and erase unnecessary lines.
  • 6
  • Japanese Pro Vs Amateur

    This is an interesting video as it shows how a pro draws anime and manga face and head, compared to an amateur.

    While the video is in Japanese, dont let that bother you . Follow the lines, the hand movement, and see how the face and head structured. I also like the fact that the pro draws hair.

    The video is especially nice because it shows you how the drawing from an amateur compares with the drawing from a pro.

    Theres a clear mismatch in structure and in proportions. So it is useful to learn from a pro.

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    How To Draw Anime Hair : Drawing Manga Hair Lesson

    Here is a fantastic Anime & Manga Hair Style drawing tutorial for all of those Japanese illustration fanatics out there. Anime hair is pretty easy to draw compared to real structured hair illustrations so only a little bit of training is needed with impressive results. The previous Manga tutorials were for drawing Male Manga Eyes and Female Anime Eyes and How to Draw Anime Faces and Drawing Anime Lips & Mouths.

    How Do You Start To Draw

    Girl Anime Hairstyles

    Practice general drawing techniques Start by drawing baselines and curves. If you have just learned to draw, first carefully draw a pencil in a straight line on a sheet of paper. Create a sense of depth by darkening the shape. Draw a simple shape like a circle and add an imaginary light to one side.

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    Bangs Fringe & Curly Hair

    Getting hair to fall naturally is no easy feat. When drawing manga its standard practice to simplify the hair into large clumps called bangs.

    In this tutorial youll learn how to form the curve of the bangs accurately and how to add extra detail.

    The artist takes it a step further by discussing how pigtails influence the shape of the hair and the best way to construct them. Lots of info here for anime hair lovers.

    How To Draw Anime Hair For Beginners

    Drawing anime hair can be quite complex. Whether youre an anime fan or youre an artist who has developed this new hobby, the possibilities are endless. Therefore, manga readers have simplified drawing the anime hair over the years. Thats why we are going to talk about how to draw anime hair for beginners.

    Our tutorial will incorporate three main types of hair: short hair, straight hair, and wavy hair. These three types of hair are the most popular when it comes to drawing hair in anime. Moreover, I will also talk about how to draw anime hair step by step. So if you are in the process of making hair, you should focus on the steps, bring your art pad, and dive straight into the tutorial.

    How to Draw Anime Hair Step by Step

    In this method, we are going to talk about how to draw anime hair for beginners. Therefore, we are going to take each hairstyle one at a time.

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    New Game Anime Drawing

    Remember the craze behind the anime characters when the New Game was first launched? The characters of New Game are comparatively different from the other anime series and gives the individual too many scopes to portray your creativity and skills. Moreover, you can also take advantage of the postures and styles and include your creative elements in it.

    How To Draw Anime Ears

    How to draw manga girl hair easy – simple, slow and draw in real time FOR beginners!

    Anime ears tend to be closer to the head than real ears. One way to put anime ears on the head is to first draw a horizontal line in the center of the head and then draw another horizontal line between that line and the . Draw the ears between these two lines. Place anime ears on the side view of the head.

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    How To Draw Anime Girl Hair

  • First, youll need to sketch the head, since you cant have hair without a head. in the shape of an inverted egg because it needs to be narrow at the bottom. You can add some ears as well.
  • Next, youll need to draw the hairline. The hairline will guide you when youre drawing the front and side sections of the hair.
  • Measure 1/5th of the height of the head and draw an arch from one side of the head to the other. Make sure you follow the curvature of the head as you draw.