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HomeHow To Draw Anime Body Step By Step For Beginners

How To Draw Anime Body Step By Step For Beginners

How To Draw An Anime Torso And Breasts


The whole body is well established, so now we only need to add the details. Even if you don’t care much about showing the muscle definition, the anatomy still influences the final look of the body, so you can’t ignore it. So let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of anime bodies.

The torso is the simplest to draw because it has big, clear muscle masses, and it doesn’t change shape too much. The abs and the pectorals are the muscles known even to laymen, so make sure to mark them.

How To Draw An Anime Body

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If you want to draw your favorite anime character or even one of your own, designing the body can seem like a challenge. Anime characters can vary in shape and size, but start by drawing them with human proportions before modifying them into your own design. While proportions are similar between male and female characters, their body shapes vary slightly. With a bit of time and practice, youll be able to draw any sort of anime character!

How To Draw Manga Anime Girl

Step 1: Draw a portrait in your mind of what you will draw. Here we are drawing a girl anime, for this, we need to draw the head, pelvic portion, broad shoulder with some static pose.

Step 2: Firstly start drawing with basics, mark a horizontal line below the lower border of eyes. Same time draw a vertical line to divide the head into equal parts.

Secondly, jin the pelvis and chest with a smooth line so you can erase it easily. Refer image we have given below for reference. Draw cylindrical neck connecting head and body.

Step 3:Without limbs our character is incomplete. Thus, outline the arms and long legs. Draw cylindrical shape narrowing down and angular shape for feet and hand.

Step 4: Start drawing other details for the anime girl. Outline large anime eyes, few bangs for hairstyle. Do not avoid the outlines drawn in step 2.

Step 5: In this step draw clothes for the girl. You can draw it with your choice, what you want her to wear. You can refer to our imagination also. For this, outline a small dress with long sleeves, collared top with a bow. Draw calf for sleeves and socks for legs.

Step 6:Up to this step outlines are drawn now you can finish it. Draw every detail with concentration from heat to bottom. Facial expression will give it different look.

Step 9: Up to this step, your anime girl drawing is ready. You can contour it with shading on the neck and on the thighs. You can use the hatching technique of drawing for shading.

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Online Resources To Learn Anime Drawing

PDF books

If you learn best by reading, then a PDF book may be the answer for you! If you are looking for the best PDF book on anime drawing, try How to Draw Anime for Beginners. You can download this fantastic resource online.

Anime bloggers

Anime is designed to be visually appealing, and it is a lot of fun to look at. As such, it has fans of all ages all around the world. This fascination has led to a rapid growth in numbers of people who learn how to draw anime themselves. Drawing anime is a fun hobby and there are many people sharing their experience on how to learn drawing online on their blogs.

It can be very helpful to read those blogs and learn about other peoples mistakes and practical experience. People learn best by learning from each other, and you will benefit greatly from finding out about the experience of others.

Personal YouTube channels

One of the most popular YouTube channels managed by an anime artist is Shinigami Arts. This channel is one of many which feature videos on how to draw specific characters, tell you how to draw male vs. female anime protagonists, and provide Dos and Donts videos about anime drawing for amateur artists.

Anime drawing tutorials in social networks

Did you know you can also make use of your social media networks to perfect your anime art? Three good tutorials on different social networks that are particularly useful for beginner anime artists are the following:

Anime drawing software

How To Start In Manga With Cheap Tools

How to Draw Anime Body

Prepare to be taught by a real manga artist with professional experience in drawing and selling manga.

He shares all his tips and tricks on a wide array of topics, from which ink you might use to how to avoid crinkled pages.

Short and to the point, this video is loaded with useful information thatll hook you up with the right supplies to create your own original manga pages.

We covered some recommended supplies before but I think this video does a better job explaining how they work in the anime style.

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How To Draw A Manga Girl

Nice and slow with easy instructions, you can comfortably watch this tutorial while you draw your own version.

With no voice-over its easy to concentrate on getting the features of the female anime characters face right. But it may be harder to follow if youre used to instruction.

If youd prefer to watch the video with a voiceover you can view a similar version by the same artist here.

The Hardest Thing Is To Get Started

To learn how to draw, a person just needs to start first. It is necessary to push him to pick up a pencil and begin to draw lines on a blank sheet of paper. Many people think that a blank sheet of paper is a problem that only a talented artist can handle. Having mastered the Nine Fundamental Laws of Drawing, you will gain sufficient self-confidence to enjoy drawing.

After completing this course, in thirty days you will achieve your first creative successes, get an incentive to constant practice, strengthen your self-confidence and maintain an interest in drawing for life.

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Sketching The Female Body

  • 1Draw a head at the top of your paper. Place a circle near the top center of the page so theres enough room to add hair later on. Put the point of the chin slightly outside the bottom edge of the circle since the jaw will come lower down. Sketch in curved jaw lines from either side of the circle toward the mark you just made to make a pointed chin for your anime girl.XResearch source
  • Work lightly in pencil so you can erase and make changes if you need to.
  • If you have trouble drawing a circle, use a compass to help you draw one.
  • Dont add any facial features yet since you may need to make adjustments to the size of the head later on.
  • Warning: Be careful not to draw the head too large or else you wont be able to fit the rest of the body on the sheet of paper.

  • 2Make a vertical line thats 6 ½ times taller than the head down the middle of the paper. Measure the height of the head from the top of the circle to the point of the chin. Start your line at the top of your characters head and draw it straight down so its 6 ½ taller than the head. Space horizontal marks down the vertical line so theyre the same distance apart as the head height to use as guides.XResearch source
  • Measure your proportions each time or else your anime character wont look natural.
  • The guide line will also help keep your drawing symmetrical.
  • When youre finished, the head and torso together will be about 3 heads tall.
  • Your anime girls shoulders should be about 1 ½ times wider than the head.
  • How To Draw Anime Head & Face

    How to draw anime boy full body | Anime boy drawing tutorial for beginners |step by step easy

    Are you still struggling to get you anime faces right even though youve been practicing for a while?

    Get back to basics with this clear step-by-step tutorial that teaches you every construction trick in the book.

    If you practice the techniques in this video your anime faces are guaranteed to improve.

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    How To Draw Less Stiff Poses

    For greater realism, poses shouldnt be stiff.

    Learning to draw a natural pose takes some observation and practice. To be able to draw fluid, less stiff poses, its important to understand natural ranges of human movement. If any part of the anatomy youre drawing just looks off, as if it is too stiff, theres a high chance youre drawing a pose that isnt physically possible.

    Drawing from observation is a good way to learn about these natural ranges. If youre only drawing from cartoon models or other artists drawings, you wont so easily learn where the limits lie.

    Another way of preventing stiffness is by carefully observing muscular and skeletal structure. Thats one reason why its important to learn the basics of anatomy drawing before diving into more complex poses.

    Manga Anatomy Quick Tips

    Get your pencils out because this video is perfect to draw along with and practice your anatomy skills.

    The artist teaches some neat tricks to keep the anatomy of manga characters looking proportional.

    Quick and easy to follow, drawing out each lesson will help solidify the theory in your mind and train your hand to make the right strokes.

    And if youre struggling with human anatomy definitely take a peek at these online courses touching on all the bones, muscle groups, and structures that artists need to know.

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    Bangs Fringe & Curly Hair

    Getting hair to fall naturally is no easy feat. When drawing manga its standard practice to simplify the hair into large clumps called bangs.

    In this tutorial youll learn how to form the curve of the bangs accurately and how to add extra detail.

    The artist takes it a step further by discussing how pigtails influence the shape of the hair and the best way to construct them. Lots of info here for anime hair lovers.

    Learn How To Draw In Shapes

    How to Draw Anime: Bodies by DrCerealKiller on DeviantArt ...

    Another thing, that I see a lot of beginner artist do, is to draw in Lines. The reality is, there are no actual lines in the real world. Lines are just an illusion.The World consists entirely of shapes. If you learn how to draw these shapes then you will never need to draw another line! This is also known as the painterly approach.

    If you are confused, what I mean by shapes, then let me give you an example. Let´s say, you want to draw a ball, the most obvious shape is the circle, that will show the dimension of the ball. But then there are shapes defining the light side of the ball, shapes that define the cast shadow and the bounce light and shapes, that define the reflection of the ball in the surface of the underground and so on. All these shapes will create the illusion of a ball.

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    How To Draw A Cute Anime Girl Step By Step

  • Sketch the wireframe of a girl with a larger head.
  • Now draw the additional lines to shape the body.
  • Using the shapes, sketch the figure.
  • Add all the detailing you want.
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  • Draw the elliptical shape and add a cross for symmetry.
  • Draw the eyes, while keeping in mind where they are positioned on the horizontal line of the cross.
  • Continue with the nose and mouth, once again considering the vertical cross line.
  • Keep going with the neck and ears, while shaping the face.
  • Add details to the eyes.
  • Add the hair.
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    How To Draw Arms For Anime

    Did you know that the arm is the same length as the torso?

    What about other tidbits of advice like the forearm is the same length as the upper arm and the elbow is always at the belly button?

    This tutorial is packed full of memorable information teaching you how to draw the armmuscles and allin many different poses while sticking to the anime style.

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    How To Draw Anime Characters

    Many beginners choose anime/manga as their first drawing style, because it looks very simple and appealing. However, if you want to draw a manga character from scratch, you need to understand the proportions and structure of the body. And if you want to draw anime bodies from imagination, you even need to know human anatomy. So while drawing anime characters is easier than drawing realistically, it’s still not easy!

    In this tutorial, I will show you the basics of drawing the bodies of anime characters. I’ll show you how to start a manga drawinghow to define a pose for your character and how to make sure the proportions are correct. Then I’ll show you how to turn this “skeleton” into a 3D structure and how to add muscles to it.

    You’ll learn everything you need to know to draw an anime character from scratchthe gesture, proportions, forms, and anatomy. It’s all explained on a beginner level!

    Draw Simple Manga Feet

    How To Draw Anime Full Body For Beginners [Drawing Anime Slow Tutorial]

    Anatomy is any manga artists bread and butter.

    This comprehensive tutorial distills the complicated anatomy of a foot and teaches you simple construction techniques to keep your drawings accurate.

    Practice makes perfect so follow along in your sketchbook and take down any important details that jump out. You could even do this digitally and follow along with the video in another window.

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    Drawing An Anime Head And Face

  • 1Draw an oval and divide it into 4 sections. This will be the basic outline of your anime characters head. The proportions dont have to be exact, but make the oval narrower at the bottom since that will be the chin. Once youve drawn the oval, draw a horizontal line through the center of it. Then, draw a vertical line through the center of it that intersects with the horizontal line. Later, you’ll use these lines as guides to draw the facial features.XResearch source
  • If you want your character to have a wider face, widen the bottom of the oval so its just slightly narrower than the top. Or, if you want your character to have a slender face, make the bottom of the oval even narrower than the top. There’s no single head shape used for all anime characters, so you can experiment until you find one you like.
  • 3Sketch the eyebrows above the horizontal line. Draw a long, downward curving line for each eyebrow. Make them slightly longer than the upper lash line you drew for the eyes. Then, thicken the ends of the brows that are at the center of the face.XResearch source
  • If youre drawing a feminine anime character, make the eyebrows fairly thin. For a masculine character, thicken the eyebrows so theyre more prominent on the face.
  • Make the nose the smallest feature on your characters face.
  • The nose will overlap with the vertical line you drew. To see it better, make it darker than the vertical line, or erase the vertical line around the nose.
  • Construct 3d Shapes For The Body Parts

    Think of the human body as made up of various 3D shapes.

    Drawings of the human body can be broken down into a collection of 3D shapes: a rectangle for the torso, cylinders for the arms and legs, spheres for the shoulder and knee sockets, and so on. These foundational 3D shapes are the building blocks of your figure, whatever its pose, so sketch these in roughly.

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    Draw Lips For Manga & Anime

    Do anime characters even have lips?

    Of course they do!

    Lips are often simplified down to a line, but some styles or characters are blessed with a little more shape.

    This 40-minute video takes you through a detailed lesson on the anatomy of anime lips and how to draw them. From pouts to smiles, this artist covers it all.

    How To Draw Anime Neck & Shoulders

    How to Draw an Anime Body

    Skipping out on the shoulder muscles is one of the biggest beginner mistakes you can make.

    These frame the torso and make a big impact on the final design.

    This tutorial teaches you all about the muscles in the neck and how they connect to the shoulders. Once finished, youll understand how to connect the head to the body in any pose or angle you desire.

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