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HomeFactsHow To Draw Anime Boy Head

How To Draw Anime Boy Head

How To Draw Manga Head Multiple Angles

How to Draw a Manga male Head

While the video itself might not be super high-quality , I think the video itself is pretty good. The basics are nicely presented, and in the video, you can see how the head shape is created in a few strokes.

In the video, the artist doesnt explain too much about the basics but does show the basics.

Mapping The Face For Anime & Manga

A very good art tutorial on how to draw the manga head and face from different angles. Also, what is good about this video is that you will more about the planes of the face, like the placement of eyebrows.

The video is roughly 20 minutes long or short, but in that time frame, you are able to see three different angles being drawn in detail by Mike. And what I like about the video is that you can follow the drawing process while drawing yourself making the learning process that much easier.

Structuring The Boys Head

Since we are drawing a boys head we will want to draw a fairly round face as longer face make a character look older.

To draw the head in the front view first draw a vertical line to help you insure that both sides are equal. Draw the top of the head close to a half-circle and from that draw two downwards lines going towards one another. Draw another set of lines from those lines that will meet to form the chin.

To draw the side view of the head draw the top of the head close to an oval in shape and then draw the nose/jaw area on top of that.

When drawing the side view of the boys head avoid drawing lips for the initial sketch. You can also simply estimate where the nose should go. For correctly placing the nose you can see step four of the tutorial.

For drawing different kinds of anime heads see:

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The Complete Guide On How To Draw Anime Hair

Like clothing, anime hair can help you bring out your characters personality.

There are several hairstyles you can choose from, and you can also color them however you want. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to draw hair for both male and female characters.

Although both characters can have long or short hair, we opted to sketch short hair for the boy anime and long hair for the girl anime.

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male heads manga tips and tricks

Character Illustration, sketching tips, ink drawing, pencil portraits, and more.

Anime originated as both hand-drawn and computer animated characters in Japan around the 1960s, and now its cartoon and comic style is famous all over the world.

Learning how to draw anime is simple, whether youre looking to sketch by hand or draw using a computer or tablet. Even better? There are plenty of styles to choose from to get started.

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Start With A Simple Shirt

Anime clothes drawing will vary depending on how youd like your character to be dressed. For beginners, a simple shirt design is the easiest starting point.

Around the neck of your character, draw sloping lines downwards and around the neck, leaving a small gap in the middle, to create an open-collar shirt.

Start with the shirt collar before working on the sleeves or details.

Along the arms, add a light line in the middle where the elbow crease would be, with two slightly curved lines around the wrists for the ends of the sleeves. From here, you can draw a line straight down from the open collar to the waist, leaving an upside down V shape at the bottom. Draw two lines from either side of the hips in to meet the bottom of the V shape to form the ends of the shirt. A few dots up the centerline will give you the buttons.

Buttons and crease lines help to make your clothing appear more realistic.

Add The Small Details

After you finish drawing the outlines of the hair and placing all of the facial features you can then draw all of the small details.

In this case those will be:

  • Inner details of the eyes
  • Hair folds

For a very detailed breakdown of drawing the eyes you can see:

How to Draw Female Anime Eyes Tutorial

While the eyes in that example are slightly different all of the drawing steps can be applied to the example in this tutorial.

You can see a basic step by step drawing of the details of the eyes above. Also please note that the irises are shaded grey just to make the highlights in the final drawing a bit easier to see. If you are going to be coloring the eyes you may wish to make them a different color.

When done with the eyes you can add a few extra hair folds as shown in the first example.

Finally you can also add a little beauty mark/mole just slightly below one of the eyes . This will again help emphasize that the girl is beautiful as some famous models have these.

You can see a slightly larger version of the face above to make it a little bit easier to see.

Also Check: How To Draw Anime On Computer With Mouse

How To Draw Short Anime Hair Male

This hairstyle can be seen on Kei Tsukishima , Gaara , and a lot of other amazing anime characters.

Step 1:

Start by creating a guideline for the front hairline. Draw a curve to connect the hairline to approximately one-fourth of the way down the ear line.

If you would like to add a side part, mark the area with a straight line.

Step 2:

Create hair clumps all through the hairline. Keep them short and dont make them too uniform. Vary the size and direction as you go along.

When dealing with the side part, start a little above the hairline guide. Create two hair clumps that curve away from each other.

Step 3:

Just like the hairline, create clumps of hair along with the guidelines at the top of the head but this time-space them out farther from each other.

Step 4:

Join the hair clumps seamlessly together by following the guidelines and using curved lines.

Step 5:

Finish the drawing and erase the guidelines. You can stop here if youd like, or you can add a few more extra details. Add a few hair clumps around the hair randomly. Make sure youre still following the curves of the hair strands around the hairline.

How To Draw Anime

How to Draw a HOT Anime Boy

How to draw Anime: Anime drawings are mostly used in Japanese comics or better known as manga. Anime drawing is a favourite among young and the old. In this post we are going to see how to draw anime characters from the comfort of your homes. If you are beginner trying to learn anime drawing, start with squares, circles and rectangles. I know it sounds funny, but once you perfect them, you will understand that anime characters are created with just circles, lines, squares. Once you are happy with result try to draw something every day. Improvise on angle drawing. Remember a cube, it has even sides, if you keep it farther away from you, it looks smaller and when you go near it looks bigger. Try drawing cylinders and cubes at different angles producing a 3d effect. In fact this will help you to draw complex anime characters in the long run. Learn the basic anatomy of people as most of the anime drawings are based on real human characters.

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How To Draw Slicked Back Anime Hair Male

You know they mean business when they have slicked back hairstyles like ChrolloLucilfer, Roy Mustang even All Might

Step 1:

Start by creating a guideline for the front hairline. Draw a curve to connect the hairline to approximately one-fourth of the way down the ear line.

Step 2:

Start from the middle of the hairline. Create short zig-zags that flare out while following the guideline. Do the same for the other side of the hairline.

Step 3:

When doing the top part of the hair, Follow the guidelines but add a few bumps that curve outward.

Step 4:

Add more detail to the drawing by creating curved lines. Start from the middle of the hairline and curve it out. Vary the length of the lines.

Step 5:

Create more lines, but this time, start from the top of the hairline and curve them towards the middle.

Step 6: Finish the drawing, and dont forget to erase the guidelines.

Add The Facial Features

Draw two circles on the center guideline but leave a small opening at the bottom of each these will be your eyes. When youre drawing anime, the eyes are one of the most important features and are usually much bigger than the other facial features. Sketch in an arch over the top of each circle and a curved line around the far side of each to frame the eyes.

From here you can also add in a small V shape on the center guideline for the nose, a slightly curved line for a smiling mouth, and a couple of short and light pencil strokes underneath the eyes for a blushing effect.

Adding the facial features starts to bring your character to life.

Recommended Reading: How To Draw Manga Lips

Drawing The Boys Mouth

To draw the mouth draw yet another horizontal line between the line used for the nose and the chin. But instead of drawing the mouth directly on this line you will want to draw it slightly above. The reason being is that this line will actually give you the placement of the bottom lip which in anime is very often not drawn at all.

For more on drawing anime mouths see:

Add Smaller Details On The Face

How to Draw Anime Male Hair Step by Step

At this step you can clean up the drawing and remove the guidance frame lines created in the previous steps, adding smaller details such as eyelashes, pupils and highlights. After that, you can also focus on thicker lines, add black or shaded with a pencil on the eyes and eyebrows. You can also create lashes for eyelashes and add some details to the hair.

After completing these steps, you have a complete drawing of the face of the male anime character. You can leave it as it is, but if you want the image to be a bit deeper, move on to the next step to shade the face.

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How To: Draw 1/2 View

This is a very good art tutorial on how to draw the manga head from the side view.

The artist explains her drawing process pretty nicely, and its easy to follow through. What I like about this tutorial is that the artist is explaining the differences between the female and male heads.

When we think about reality and how our heads differ from male to female, you dont notice so much difference. Yes, a male might have a bit more prominent chin than females, but overall we look about the same.

However, in the manga, there is a clear difference between male and female heads and faces, and in this video, the artist brings those differences up in a really nice and clear way.

Digital Anime Drawing And Animation

16. Draw Chibis

Chibis, or miniature characters who fall under the umbrella of anime art, are a great choice for beginning digital anime drawing because they are simpler in design than traditional anime. In this course, Skillshare instructor Emily Weiland will teach you how to create your own chibis and begin to animate them using Procreate.

17. Anime Drawing Timelapses

In this course, Skillshare instructor David Samuelson invites you to take your digital anime drawings to the next level by filming a time lapse of your entire drawing process. He first breaks down each step of his twins drawing, and then combines them into one cohesive clip.

18. Character Posing

One of the best things about digitizing your anime drawings is that you have limitless options for posing and positioning your characters. Character designer and animator McCoy Buck shows you how to do exactly that using digitized vector points for reference.

19. Inking

If you plan to digitize your anime drawings, inkingthe practice of outlining your drawing with dark inkis helpful for maintaining the integrity of your hand-drawn design when its converted into Photoshop, Procreate, or your digital editing program of choice. Creative director Camilla DErrico teaches you how to ink your drawings and also how to edit your inked anime characters in Photoshop.

20. Animate Your Drawings

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Add The Eyes Nose And Mouth

Draw two half ovals on either side of the face with small, curved lines inside for the ears. Moving inside the face circle, in line with the ears, youll start working on the biggest featurethe eyes! Anime eyes drawing can seem complicated but remember to break it down into shapes to make it easier.

Start with two curved lines on each side with the gap between them being the width youd like the eyes to be. From here, draw in the curved lines of the eyeballs and a lighter curved line over the top for the eyebrows.

Add the eyes first, as these are the most important facial feature on anime characters.

Shade in a small circle at the top of the eyeballs to create the pupils, adding in a few short lines on the curved lines underneath for eyelashes.

Along the center guideline, add a small V shape or two short lines for the nose. Most anime mouth drawing is a simple line in the bottom third of the face, so add this in to complete the features.

As you make progress on your drawing, dont forget to keep using your guidelines to help you.

How To Draw Anime And Manga Male Head And Face

How to Draw Anime Guy

This step by step tutorial shows how to draw an anime or manga male head and face from the front and side views.

In this tutorial we will be drawing what can be the face of a young adult or high school age male anime character.

Manga and anime male characters of this age tend to have larger chins and longer faces with smaller/narrower eyes when compared to their female counterparts or younger males. Though this can also vary based on style.

If you are going to be following the tutorial with pencil and paper be sure to draw light lines until you are done with the facial feature and hair placement steps. You will need to erase parts of the drawing afterwards.

For drawing different types of anime characters using this face see:

Also Check: How To Make An Anime Series

Drawing Anime & Manga Faces Viewed From Below Hard Angles

This tutorial is a bit advanced, but if you are ready for it, go for it. This tutorial explains how to draw faces from angles that you dont typically see in manga and anime.

One of those is the one where the viewpoint is below the chin, making the chin look big and other features like eyes, small.

The reason why you dont see these too much in the manga is that in manga art, the chin is usually very pointy, aesthetic, or downright beautiful and when you view that from below, you will have to draw the chin based on realism.

Its pretty hard to draw a chin that is pointy when viewed below. It just doesnt work, so in these instances, you cant draw so much in manga and anime style but have to incorporate realism to it.

Which also means that you have to get into the mature style of manga and anime heads.

Draw The Character’s Eye

The younger the character, the bigger the eyes. In this case, the character is a young man so his eyes will be smaller than a boy’s.

Based on the horizontal baseline, split the first part drawn above and draw the eye under this line, the distance between the eyes depends on your estimation, depending on the style and character type.

Note, the eye is in this position when the character is in a normal state, if the opening is larger , the eye will override the base line, if the eye is in a closed state then it will lie under.

Draw eyebrows above the eyes. The eyebrows of male anime characters and manga are often drawn thicker than that of females, especially with older characters. However it also depends on style.

In this step, you only need to outline the eye shape, giving simple strokes. Go through every detail, then follow the steps below.

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Chibi Style Side View Head Guidelines

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It is the app for artists, designed for drawing & painting. Open the door to creativity without limits, with specialized features for illustration, comics, manga, webtoons, concept art, design, and animation built-in.

It is the main software that I use for my digital drawings. It is a cheaper alternative to Photoshop.

I hope youve enjoyed reading this post and has found it useful. Feel free to leave a comment or ask a question down below. If you purchase anything through the affiliate links that Ive provided, Ill get a small amount of commission which helps me continue writing art-related blog posts and tutorials like this one.

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Draw The Character’s Head

Ðин на доÑ?ке How to

Front view

Draw a vertical line as the main axis between the faces to align both sides. Bring the focus into a circle or slightly oriented into an oval, from which to draw two straight lines facing the inside of the face, gradually curving to form a chin.

Draw the chin with a small curve but don’t be too sharp or the character will look less masculine.

View from the side

Draw the top of the oval.

Put the pen into a bump around the eyebrow area, then a dent to turn to the nose. Important in this step is that you determine the position of the nose so that it is relatively standard, can be further edited in step 4.

Next, draw a straight line from the tip of the nose to the chin. Add a curve from the chin to the top of the ear to form the lower jaw, draw a curve underneath the line and draw a bit, still starting from the chin point to clearly outline the larger chin of the character. male.

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