Use Painter As Your Anime Drawing Software
To achieve this look, youll need to draw a few spiky sections. The sections should come down from the hairline and curve to one side.
Start by following the curvature of the head, and then straighten each line once youre halfway down. Afterward, connect each end of the hair to the hairline using a line.
Some Call It Cool Some Label It Freaky While Some Might Even Call It Silly But No One Can Deny That The Odd Hairstyles Are What Give The Anime Characters
In the examples below are indicated in gvaat purple for reference. They do carry purpose and meaning however, . This time let s focus our attention on white haired anime boys who tend to be a little bishi er than most. 67+ ideas for drawing anime hairstyles boys hair reference. Best drawing easy step by step google 68+ . Not helpful 35 helpful 150. In the elaborate visual language of anime, hairstyles are somewhat less strictly codified than anime hair colors. You can have your hair flow however you want. Some call it cool, some label it freaky while some might even call it silly but no one can deny that the odd hairstyles are what give the anime characters . Hairstyle 163 is likely a reference to popular metal ‘hair bands’, such as pantera . It’s actually an easy way to find a “real life” reference for any anime inspired hair cut. A simple reference guide explaining how to draw hair on your manga characters. Hi, awesome question and even more awesome anime hairstyle.
Hairstyle 163 is likely a reference to popular metal ‘hair bands’, such as pantera . In the elaborate visual language of anime, hairstyles are somewhat less strictly codified than anime hair colors. In the examples below are indicated in gvaat purple for reference. It’s actually an easy way to find a “real life” reference for any anime inspired hair cut. We all know that hair plays an important part in portraying a character’s personality, whether it is through flamboyant colours or just hair .
Artist Hyanna Natsu Shows How To Draw Anime Inspired Colorful Hair In This Text And Video Tutorial
Draw an outline of the head using a pencil, this will serve as your guide in drawing the hair. It includes a total of nine hairstyles with step by step drawing examples and for each. Anime and manga tutorials are always awesome to learn from. Artist hyanna natsu shows how to draw anime inspired, colorful hair in this text and video tutorial! How to draw manga straight hair. Today, with the help of a few short and simple steps, the team of will show how to draw anime hair, both male and female. Draw outline of short hair male manga . Drawing male hair guy drawing drawing tips anime hair drawing drawing faces drawing ideas drawing anime bodies manga drawing tutorials manga . Learn how to draw anime hair for boys and girls. · sketch the rest of the hair. Although for the bangs, you could choose to draw three. How to draw anime boy hair · repeat steps one to three. In this tutorial you will see how to easily draw manga hair and come up with new hairstyles .
Anime amor anime manga character inspiration character art anime hairstyles male cool . Anime and manga tutorials are always awesome to learn from. Learn how to draw anime hair for boys and girls.
This tutorial shows how to draw male anime and manga hair. In this tutorial you will see how to easily draw manga hair and come up with new hairstyles . Bagaimana draw anime head and faces.
· give the hair more . Bagaimana draw anime head and faces. This tutorial shows how to draw male anime and manga hair.
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Tip Break The Flow Of The Hair
One key point I would like to give you is that you should break shapes. If the shape is big and bulky, break it apart. Break the shape into multiple smaller shapes. Another way is to create strands of hair to intersect the big shapes thus breaking the big shapes.
Big shapes create dull drawings. Break them. Cross them. Divide them. Dull shapes make dull drawings. And, yes. I have made plenty of dull drawings and even still create those. We are not perfect.
Choose Between Main Hair Shapes
After you have created a few major shapes and feel like you just want to move forward. Think about the end result you want to achieve with the hair. Think about the personality of the character and also the personality of the hair. Yes, hair does have personality. It tells something from the person and also gives opinions. Good and bad. Hopefully good opinions.
I could have chosen a more flowy hairstyle with a lot more volume. However, the character is this easy-going and like to have a slightly shorter yet huge volume hair. The character is also more down to earth type. I think in this case the more flowy hair would have made the character a bit more. Well not so down to earth type.
Maybe a bit outgoing party kind of girl. Or this adventurous type of. Shorter hair gave me the flow I was aiming for.
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Draw The Front Of The Medium Long Hair
Begin the drawing of the actual hair by adding the part that goes down the middle of the face. It can start from about the top of the head and go down to around the tip of the nose . Draw this part as two combined clumps that curve in opposite directions forming a bit of an x shape near their bottom as they overlap. You can also draw some small splits into each clump to make the hair look a little more natural.
Drawing Anime & Manga Hair
Anime hair is often based on real hairstyles but tends to be drawn in clumps rather than individual strands. One good reason for this is that if you are drawing multiple frames of animation or multiple panels of a manga it will simply be too time consuming to draw anything overly detailed.
A good approach to drawing anime hair is to split it into several different parts such as the front, sides and back/top .
For drawing characters that can go along with these hairstyles see:
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Drawing Anime Hair Blowing Forward Drawing
When drawing the hair blowing forward it can again be a good idea to use the side/profile view.
You can again use the suggestions in the first and second example for drawing the front and side hair clumps.
Drawing the back hair is where things can get a little tricky. Unless you want the hair to hide the face you will want to position most of the back hair on the far side o the face. You can again draw this portion the same as the back hair in the first two examples in this tutorial.
To make the hair look more natural we will also draw part of the forward blowing back hair in front of the head. You can draw this portion smaller and position it around the neck area to keep the face more open.
To finish the drawing once again erase any overlapping lines from the face and body and add some extra clumps/folds to both the background and foreground section of the back hair.
Finish The Line Drawing
For this step first erase the hairline and the part of the head covered by the hair. Next draw in some curved lines in between the hair bumps/clumps of the back/top section and the teeth of the front section.
You can also add a tiny clump of hair that is hanging down around the upper middle of the hairline as shown in the example. Simply erase part of the hairline and add it in.
Once you finish the line drawing go over it with a darker stroke.
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How To Draw Anime Hair In 3/4 View Step By Step
This tutorial explains the specifics of drawing anime and manga style hair in 3/4 view. It provides two sets of examples for each hairstyle, one static and one dynamic .
Before looking at this tutorial you may want to see :
Drawing hair in 3/4 view is actually not that much more difficult than drawing hair from the front or side. You can apply the technique of splitting it up into tree basic sections .
The three parts that hair will be split up into in this tutorial will be:
- Front Section
- Side Sections
- Back/Top Section
If you are going to be following along using pencil and paper be sure to make light lines as you will need to erase parts of the drawing as you move from one step to another.
You can darken your lines by tracing over them after you are sure everything is in the right place.
Its also recommended that you read over the drawing instructions for the first hairstyle as they are slightly more detailed. The other example have less explanation to avoid repetition.
For a tutorial on drawing facial feature from this angle see:
Draw The Top/back Of The Spiky Hair
As mentioned before the back/top parts of this hairstyle will have a combined shape that resembles a flame.
To create the flame shape draw the hair clumps smaller and shorter starting from above the ears and getting generally larger and longer as they go up to the top of the head.
The clumps should also gradually transition away from the head and point more upwards the farther up you draw them. At the same time still try and randomize the size and direction of each clump.
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How To Draw Long Anime Hair Male
There are a lot of ways to draw long hair on Anime Guys, but here is an easy one that you can try. This hairstyle was inspired by Itachi Uchiha .
Step 1:
Start at the middle of the hairline and create an M shape.
Step 2:
Draw a line parallel to the front hairline. Keep in mind that this will be the thickness of the front bangs.
Step 3:
From the end of the line you just created, draw a long curve down to the neck.
Step 4:
Draw hair clumps to connect the ends of the hairline together.
Step 5:
Extend the hair by creating curves from the top hairline to your desired length. Make sure to curve them towards the face.
Step 6:
Add hair clumps to connect the ends of the hairline.
Step 7:
Finish up the top of the hair by following the guideline.
Step 8:
Add lines to the front of the hair. Start from the middle and flare it out. Create a few lines going down from the bangs.
Step 9:
Finish the look, and dont forget to clean up the lines.
Drawing Anime Pony Tail /tied Back Hair
Another fairly common anime hairstyle is the ponytail. You will notice that there is basically no side hair in this particular example . So the hair can pretty much just be splits into the front and back sections. The back consisting of the hair over the top of the head and the pony tail.
Draw this type of hair as follows:
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Draw The Front Of The Over One Eye Hair
As can be expected the front section of this hairstyle will be very large and long. You can think of the entire thing as being split into two main sets of clumps with one being smaller and one much larger . You can draw the split in these starting from around the top of the head.
Draw the clumps on the covered side generally larger and going down slightly farther than those on the open side of the face.
Finalize The Hair And Make It Look Awesome
The last phase of drawing hair is to make the hair support the character and make the character lively. Specifically, in anime, the hair is extremely important. That is also the reason why I always make an effort to draw an awesome hair for the character. You shouldnt deviate from that.
Put effort into the hair and it will make your character feel and look so much better. In the last phase of drawing hair, I sharpen the details. Look that the overall shape is looking good.
I check that the hair supports the character and also gives the feeling I was after. Down to earth, chilled, calm and overall just gentle. You should make sure that the details are correctly placed and make sense. Adding details everywhere does not help.
Create details wisely and efficiently. Only place them in spots that add interest to the drawing.
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How To Draw Anime
How to draw Anime: Anime drawings are mostly used in Japanese comics or better known as manga. Anime drawing is a favourite among young and the old. In this post we are going to see how to draw anime characters from the comfort of your homes. If you are beginner trying to learn anime drawing, start with squares, circles and rectangles. I know it sounds funny, but once you perfect them, you will understand that anime characters are created with just circles, lines, squares. Once you are happy with result try to draw something every day. Improvise on angle drawing. Remember a cube, it has even sides, if you keep it farther away from you, it looks smaller and when you go near it looks bigger. Try drawing cylinders and cubes at different angles producing a 3d effect. In fact this will help you to draw complex anime characters in the long run. Learn the basic anatomy of people as most of the anime drawings are based on real human characters.
How To Draw Neat Anime Hair
This anime hair has three parts. Front, Side, and Back hair. While the side and back might be identical, when it comes to the front hair, things get a little complex. Hence, we are going to take this step by step.
Step 3:
Now that we have the hair set up, you can refine the inner folds to make it something like actual hair. The hair will look a bit messy and wavy at the same time.
How do you feel drawing your dream anime hair? Let us know down in the comments below.
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Drawing Your Anime Hair To Completion
Of course, ultimately the last thing is to color the hair and call it done. I would say that the most important thing here is to think about the volume of the hair. Create shadows that support the volume of the hair. As the hair that I drew was rather chunky, the shadow also had to be quite thick. Do think about the volume of the hair when shading.
I surely hope you liked the step-by-step guide on how to draw hair. Hair definitely is not the easiest one to draw but hopefully, you found some new tips & tricks for yourself.
I usually speak from the perspective of cel shading. These tips, however, can be applied to any style in my opinion. Drawing hair is fun, even though sometimes challenging. Anime deserves some cool hair.
Available resources for this artwork
- PSD-file
Alternative Male Anime Hair
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How To Draw Manga Hair Of A Female Character
Anime hair is often based on real hairstyles but is drawn in tufts rather than individual strands. An important reason for this is that it would be too time-consuming if you draw several single images of a manga with too much detail.
A good way to learn how to draw anime hair efficiently is to divide the hairstyle into several parts. First the front part of the hairstyle, then the sides and then the back/bottom .
Lets see how you can draw a typical anime hairstyle for girls. The figure has diagonal bangs on the front and a braid hanging down the back of the head.
How To Draw Anime Male Hair Step By Step
This tutorial shows how to draw male anime and manga hair. It includes a total of nine hairstyles with step by step drawing examples and instruction for each.
There are many variations of male anime hairstyles. This tutorial focuses on the more common and generic styles that you are likely to see in many shows and manga.
While drawing hair can seem complicated a good way of managing the drawing process is by thinking of it as being split into various sections. These are the front, sides and back/top.
To help avoid mistakes this tutorial uses a see through drawing approach. This means that if you are going to be following along using pencil and paper its important that you first make light lines that you can easily erase. You will need to do so with parts of the drawing before you finish. You can darken the strokes after you complete the line drawing.
For more on good drawing practices and common mistakes also see the tutorials below:
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