A Town Where You Live/anime
The anime adaptation of the manga series Kimi no Iru Machi first occurred in two OVAs, which are directed by Shigeyasu Yamauchi. The TV series adaptation was officially announced with GONZO responsible for the production and Shigeyasu taking over as the director as the OVA. Broadcast of this series began on July 13th, 2013 for 12 episodes.
In regards to the plot of the anime, the OVAs are thought to be an introduction to the TV series as it covers the experiences of Haruto Kirishima with Yuzuki Eba during the post-Hiroshima arc. As a result, the anime starts off from approximately Chapter 79 of the manga in Volume 9 detailing Haruto’s life in Tokyo.
Animecast: A Town Where You Live
A Town Where You Live, or known in Japan as Kimi no Iru Machi, is definitely not your typical romance title. Featuring a cast thrown into difficult odds, it led to some of the more divisive responses weve ever seen in anime. How did the hosts of the Animecast fare? Listen and find out.
Note: Following our spoiler free review of A Town Where You Live, we dive into some spoiler discussion of the series. If you have not watched the entire series, avoid listening beyond the 25:30 marker.
As mentioned in the podcast, this copy of A Town Where You Live Blu-ray was provided to us for review by Nozomi Entertainment and Rightstuf.
The opening for episode is the OP for A Town Where You Live called Sentimental Love by MimimemeMIMI. The closing for this episode is the ED1 for A Town Where You Live called Kimi no Iru Machi by Yoshimasa Hosoya. The closing for our spoiler segment we play more of Sentimental Love which can be found on iTunes .
We hope you all enjoy!
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Kimi No Iru Machi Episode 12 Final
I’m saying this now. The scene where Asuka says she’ll steal Haruto away from Eba if given the chance never happened in the manga. I just checked the chapters surrounding that scene and I’m really sure it was a scene that is anime-only to appease the pain of anime-only watcher who enjoyed Asuka’s character and felt bad that she got the shit-end of the stuick by Haruto. Asuka won’t get Haruto, sorry but as Captain of the SS Asuka, I’m telling you that ship sunk years ago.
Anyways, last episode. We saw him break-up with Asuka and Eba agree to date him with Rin acting randomly. Apart from that we saw a shitload of pointless scenes of the characters walking together and none of the backlash Haruto was supposed to get for choosing to be with Eba by his friends. It was an empty ending, but I didn’t really expect much since this anime so far has been really helter skelter with the story. Anyways, I watched it through to the end, and never looking back.
it’s finally over. felt bad watching Asuka like that but was glad she was smiling and flirting with Haruto’s sister by the end. still surprised Yuzuki doesn’t care that Haruto outright lied to Asuka in her face.. i mean, yes she understood the motive but that only proves his potential to cheat on her. i guess butterflies obscure things at the beginning.
A Town Where You Live
A Town Where You Live |
Manga volume 24 cover, featuring Haruto Kirishima and Yuzuki Eba |
May 28, 2008 February 12, 2014 |
Volumes |
A Town Where You Live: Twilight Intersection |
Directed by |
Episodes |
Episodes |
Episodes |
Anime and mangaportal |
A Town Where You Live is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kji Seo. It was serialized in Kodansha‘s Weekly Shnen Magazine from May 2008 to February 2014 and the chapters collected into 27 tankbon volumes. The series follows the daily life of Haruto Kirishima as he becomes enamored with Yuzuki Eba.
A story arc from A Town Where You Live was adapted into an original video animation series called A Town Where You Live: Twilight Intersection by Tatsunoko Production in 2012. An anime television series adaptation animated by Gonzo aired from July to September 2013, later spawning a radio program, drama CD, and an image song. Reception towards the manga was mixed with reviewers praising the plot for its realism or panning it as predictable and cliché.
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