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How To Draw Simple Anime

Drawing The Basic Head Shape

  • 1Draw a circle on your paper with a vertical line running through the middle. Use a pencil so youre able to erase your lines if you make a mistake. Lightly draw the circle in the center of a piece of paper so you have room to add features to it. Find the middle of your circle and lightly sketch a straight line that extends from the top of the circle down your sheet of paper so you know where the middle of the face is.XResearch source
  • Start by drawing your circle large so you have room to draw the features. Otherwise, your lines may get messy and it could be hard to draw correctly.
  • Tip: If you have trouble drawing a circle without help, either use a compass or trace something circular.

  • 2Make a guide line for the eyes a third of the way up from the bottom of the circle. Measure about a third of the way up from the bottom of your circle and use your pencil to make a mark. Use a straightedge to draw a horizontal line that extends past the edges of the circle to use as a guide for the characters eyes. Dont apply too much pressure when you draw the line since it will be hard to erase otherwise.XResearch source
  • Your measurements do not need to be precise. If you dont have a ruler, estimate the distance with the end of your pencil instead.
  • If youre drawing a female character, place the mark at a distance equal to of the circles diameter since female anime and manga characters tend to have rounder faces.
  • Drawing Anime & Manga Faces Viewed From Below Hard Angles

    This tutorial is a bit advanced, but if you are ready for it, go for it. This tutorial explains how to draw faces from angles that you dont typically see in manga and anime.

    One of those is the one where the viewpoint is below the chin, making the chin look big and other features like eyes, small.

    The reason why you dont see these too much in the manga is that in manga art, the chin is usually very pointy, aesthetic, or downright beautiful and when you view that from below, you will have to draw the chin based on realism.

    Its pretty hard to draw a chin that is pointy when viewed below. It just doesnt work, so in these instances, you cant draw so much in manga and anime style but have to incorporate realism to it.

    Which also means that you have to get into the mature style of manga and anime heads.

    Degrees Of Realism And Stylization

    In anime and manga, eyes are drawn in various degrees of stylization. Human anatomy in anime is stylized often to the point of being unrealistic, yet still very recognizable as the anime counterpart of the real world person the artwork is describing.

    This is an important point. This means that if we are to draw anime, we must observe what we see in the world and put it through a stylizer machine before we output it on canvas as a more anime version of what we saw. Fortunately, we all have a stylizer machine called the brain!

    In anime, there is a spectrum of on one end, very large anime looking eyes, and some on the other end, that are pretty realistic with some stylization flare. I tend to like something in the middle, although a lot depends on the artwork itself.

    You can use this guide to draw eyes and stylize to your own comfort. Check out the image right below, anime eyes drawn on the left are more stylized and the ones toward the right are more realistic.

    In anime, as we move away from realism, the shape of the eye is larger and more round, and the iris itself is drawn larger as well. More realistic anime eye drawings closer follow real human anatomy, with eye shape less rounded, although still styled.

    With that said, here are seven common elements present in most anime drawings of eyes.

  • Highlights from at least 2 light sources
  • Drop shadow from the upper eyelid
  • Thicker lines on the upper eyelid, stylizing eyelashes
  • Indication of the upper eyelid crease
  • Enlarged Iris
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    Drawing Anime Hands A Step

    The glove/mitten method stems from the fact that most of us can better imagine and draw a glove or a mitten than a detailed anime hand.

    You dont have to worry about drawing in fingers. With this method, you only worry about the general shapes. Controlling general shapes is basis for all good drawing. That is to say, every great drawing starts with the artist having full control of the general shape of what they are drawing.

    Start drawing anime hands with a simple boxy shape of a glove or a mitten. With this type of simplification fingers are indicated with one rectangular shape, then the simplified form is drawn over with more detail and by adding divisions of the fingers.

    Above is a good example of how the glove/mitten method works.

    When you draw the simplified form, think about the general shape of the hand, its proportions, the general gesture. Worry about the details on the second pass.

    Above is an example of a very simplified form drawn for the fist. Note that, although the fingers twist down, I was able to draw that in later.

    It was easier to draw because the general shape and perspective of the drawing was resolved in the simplified and boxy under-drawing on the left.

    Note that all of the drawings of anime hands I made for the tutorial start with the general shape of the palm.

    Below are two more examples.

    Learn The Art Fundamentals

    Easy Anime Drawing at GetDrawings

    Now that you know what hardware you need, and you might even have selected software for yourself. Now its time to actually draw your next masterpiece.

    Ive selected three main categories that you should know the basics of. I didnt select human anatomy because it could be that you want to draw anime environments and background art.

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    How To Draw Manga Anime Girl

    Step 1: Draw a portrait in your mind of what you will draw. Here we are drawing a girl anime, for this, we need to draw the head, pelvic portion, broad shoulder with some static pose.

    Step 2: Firstly start drawing with basics, mark a horizontal line below the lower border of eyes. Same time draw a vertical line to divide the head into equal parts.

    Secondly, jin the pelvis and chest with a smooth line so you can erase it easily. Refer image we have given below for reference. Draw cylindrical neck connecting head and body.

    Step 3:Without limbs our character is incomplete. Thus, outline the arms and long legs. Draw cylindrical shape narrowing down and angular shape for feet and hand.

    Step 4: Start drawing other details for the anime girl. Outline large anime eyes, few bangs for hairstyle. Do not avoid the outlines drawn in step 2.

    Step 5: In this step draw clothes for the girl. You can draw it with your choice, what you want her to wear. You can refer to our imagination also. For this, outline a small dress with long sleeves, collared top with a bow. Draw calf for sleeves and socks for legs.

    Step 6:Up to this step outlines are drawn now you can finish it. Draw every detail with concentration from heat to bottom. Facial expression will give it different look.

    Step 9: Up to this step, your anime girl drawing is ready. You can contour it with shading on the neck and on the thighs. You can use the hatching technique of drawing for shading.

    Beginner Guide To Drawing Anime & Manga

    This guide is an introduction to the basics of drawing with a focus on the anime and manga style. It provides tips on approaching the drawing process in the right way and suggests some beginner friendly exercises to help you get started.

    For a list of other things you can learn that will help you draw anime and manga you can check:

    This guide covers the first part of that list .

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    How To Draw Anime Face Step By Step Tutorial

    These step-by-step tutorials focus on the face, which, as it turns out, is pretty easy to do:

  • Draw a circle and add a cross in the middle this will keep the face symmetrical.
  • Start by shaping the face you can choose the shape you want.
  • Then draw the eyes, while using the cross as a balancing point.
  • Draw the ears and neck and dont forget to use the cross for symmetry.
  • Continue with the nose and mouth
  • Finish with the hair, which can be designs to your liking.
  • How to draw anime face

    Heres a video tutorial on how to draw a girl face

    Drawing Tablet Without A Screen


    When I first started drawing digitally, I chose a tablet that didnt have a display/ drawing screen. My choice for the time was Wacom Bamboo. I drew with it a bit until I noticed that I didnt feel the disconnection of hand and eye.

    When you dont have a screen, you have to look at the monitor while you are drawing to the tablet.

    Currently, the best drawing tablet without a screen is the Intuos series by Wacom.

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    Thicker Lines On The Upper Eyelid Stylizing Eyelashes

    Adoption rate: in most example in anime. This element highlights what a lot of anime drawings are like: an effective simplification of complex real life forms to their most basic visual representation.

    Since we usually have more volume in eyelashes on the upper eyelid than the lower, in anime drawings, the upper eyelid lines representing the eyelashes are drawn thicker, with more visual weight.

    Manga Anatomy Quick Tips

    Get your pencils out because this video is perfect to draw along with and practice your anatomy skills.

    The artist teaches some neat tricks to keep the anatomy of manga characters looking proportional.

    Quick and easy to follow, drawing out each lesson will help solidify the theory in your mind and train your hand to make the right strokes.

    And if youre struggling with human anatomy definitely take a peek at these online courses touching on all the bones, muscle groups, and structures that artists need to know.

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    How To Draw Anime Characters Tutorial

    Anime has a very distinguishable style. When drawing anime, there are a few rules to follow. Most importantly, the exaggerated features:

    • Eyes. The eyes are always large and take up almost half of the characters face. Whats more, they usually contain black circles in the middle with coloured outside rings. The colours can also be exaggerated, some eyes, for example, can be purple.
    • Hair. The anime hair is usually in a very strange, unnatural shape. The characters hairstyles are always exaggerated and, once again, the colours can vastly vary.
    • Facial expressions. Facial expressions are conveyed in an interesting way. For example, teardrops in the eyes is a sign of embarrassment. Facial expressions are strongly exaggerated, making the characters very expressive.

    Naruto is another very popular character

    How To Draw A Simple Anime Face From 3 Sides Front/side/profile With Guidelines

    Pin on Drawing

    Okay, I think Mikey Mega Mega is one of those teachers that are just plain good. I mean, the teaching style is very clear, consistent, and you can easily follow his guidance.

    This video shows you how to draw the anime head from the front, side, and profile. As you can notice from the video, drawing the head and face is not about being super perfect. Its about getting the elements around the right place. The better you can place nose, ear, eye in the head. The better the results.

    But its not about being perfect. Its about being close enough.

    At the end of the video, there is a speed up process on finalizing the head and face to completion.

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    How To Draw An Anime Torso And Breasts

    The whole body is well established, so now we only need to add the details. Even if you don’t care much about showing the muscle definition, the anatomy still influences the final look of the body, so you can’t ignore it. So let’s take a closer look at the anatomy of anime bodies.

    The torso is the simplest to draw because it has big, clear muscle masses, and it doesn’t change shape too much. The abs and the pectorals are the muscles known even to laymen, so make sure to mark them.

    Anime Drawing How To Draw Anime

    The term Anime includes all types of animation, whether in a traditionally done style with hand drawings, or in the most modern way it is through computer works, which come from Japan.Anime drawings are a means of cultural expression that in Japan is constantly expanding. It is aimed absolutely at all audiences, for which there are the classifications that they share with manga drawing, which are also comic strips of great impact on Japanese culture.

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    Anime Drawing Tutorials For Beginners Step By Step

    Drawing a simple anime The style of anime characters can be a little more complicated than drawing normal characters because there are usually more options you can make. But the basic approach is the same. We have tips on how to draw anime characters step by step for beginners. Its very difficult for beginners to find textbooks. This app includes anime drawing ideas as a reference when you draw your character.

    Start With A Simple Shirt

    Easy anime drawing | how to draw anime girl easy step-by-step

    Anime clothes drawing will vary depending on how youd like your character to be dressed. For beginners, a simple shirt design is the easiest starting point.

    Around the neck of your character, draw sloping lines downwards and around the neck, leaving a small gap in the middle, to create an open-collar shirt.

    Start with the shirt collar before working on the sleeves or details.

    Along the arms, add a light line in the middle where the elbow crease would be, with two slightly curved lines around the wrists for the ends of the sleeves. From here, you can draw a line straight down from the open collar to the waist, leaving an upside down V shape at the bottom. Draw two lines from either side of the hips in to meet the bottom of the V shape to form the ends of the shirt. A few dots up the centerline will give you the buttons.

    Buttons and crease lines help to make your clothing appear more realistic.

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    How To Draw Anime

    Do you want to learn how to draw anime? If so, then this instruction made by the artists of has been created especially for you!

    So, what do you need in order to draw anime in the same way as the artists of did? You will need a simple pencil and a piece of paper or a graphics tablet. If everything is ready, and you want to learn how to draw an anime, then lets get started!

    Using 3d Models To Draw Anatomy

    There are ways to go around drawing proportionally correct anatomy, and that is by using 3D models. There is a couple of software that let you do this, but my favorite is Clip Studio Paint.

    While Clip Studio Paint is the best in the market drawing software for anime art, it also provides a very customizable and easy to use 3D modeling feature.

    I use the feature all the time, and I feel like I couldnt live without it. I still do, however, believe that you should study anatomy and the main muscle groups, and that leads me to the best teacher for that. Proko.

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    Expressions For Anime Eyes

    In real life and in the manga/anime world, eyes are one of the most important features to express emotion. Remember that a series of facial muscles tighten or relax, depending on the expression you want to achieve.Lets take a look at the eyelids, the inner eye, and the eyebrows.

    The emotions intended in these examples are easy to understand.

    In example 1, the eyebrow is a bit tense, but the eye is relaxed and shining. This conveys a worried state or maybe missing someone or something.

    In example 2, the eyebrow is arched vertically, and the eye is closed, so we can deduce that the character is happy.

    In the next example , there is no shine to the eye, the iris is completely white, and the pupil is reduced significantly. This shows that the character is aggressive. Note that the eyebrow is arched in the opposite direction of the happy one in example 2, which also signifies anger.

    Let us check all these expressions to deduce their meaning: 4 is suspicion, 5 is worry, 6 is neutral or observing, 7 is shock, 8 is sadness, and 9 is shock or madness, depending on the situation.

    Learning To Draw Human Anatomy

    Anime Drawings Easy Girl at

    its not easy to draw human anatomy, but with the right guidance, it becomes so much easier. If theres one teacher who knows his stuff, its Proko.

    Proko has online courses and tutorials for you to learn how to draw correct anatomy, and its all taught by an artist well-known in the area.

    Muscle groups, proportions, and bone movement are all the things you need to draw believable human anatomy.

    Also Check: How To Draw Side Profile Anime

    Is Drawing Anime Digitally Easy

    No, drawing anime digitally is not easy. It requires almost the same skill as drawing it traditionally. You have some advantages when you are drawing anime digitally, like the ability to reverse anything and to adapt scale and place freely at any time. But you still have to know all the basic fundamentals in order to create a believable drawing or illustration.

    You also have to learn how the programs, that you are drawing in, work and how to use layers and brushes correctly. So in some way, it might even be a little bit harder.

    Generally, I would recommend to start out by drawing anime traditionally and if you like it and you get better, you can slowly start drawing digitally. I am personally drawing digitally as well as traditionally.


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