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Why Are Anime Fans Autistic

Why Is The Anime Community Too Autistic To Understand That When Someone Says ‘x Is A Masterpiece’

Why do autistic people really love manga? BBC News

Why is the anime community too autistic to understand that when someone says ‘X is a masterpiece’ ,they aren’t making a claim that X is objectively the best thing out there rather they’re simply implying that they personally found X to be a great show. The word ‘masterpiece’ has been made such a taboo that it’s laughable. Might as well unironically start calling it ‘the m word’.

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>while on a site famous for containing autists

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Fucking who? You must be lost. This is Pow Forums, the only place that matters.

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Why don’t you start by using your own words and not buzzwords.

>implying lingo is equivalent of buzzwordAlright Mr.Smartypants, >Why is the anime community not smart enough autistic to understand that when someone says ‘X is a masterpiece’ ,they aren’t making a claim that X is objectively the best thing out there rather they’re simply implying that they personally found X to be a great show. The word ‘masterpiece’ has been made such a taboo that it’s laughable. Might as well unironically start calling it ‘the m word’

Besides that’s actually my point. Masterpiece is just a buzzword

TL;DRPow Forums is not one person and one man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

>objectivity in taste doesn’t existBullshit. My taste is objectively good because I like good things.

That’s not what I mean when I say masterpiece, dumbshit

Go back to meguca you cancerous faggot.

How To Help Children Connect With Nature

Dongying Li, an assistant professor at Texas A&M University who studies landscape and health, suggested being flexible and letting children enjoy unstructured play in nature in their own way. Take advantage of a puddle, a tree, a pocket park or even a photo of a garden, and plan for incremental steps, starting from where you feel most comfortable, she said.

Other suggestions, which may be adapted as needed:

  • Allow children to find their safe place in nature, Mr. Bénard suggested. If parents have a backyard or land, build them a wooden house, a safe shelter, where they can go and be silent.

  • Look around and observe different species, Ms. Laraway said. Families can make a game of it by counting the number of birds or butterflies they see each day.

  • Let children play freely without being directed, Ms. Galbraith suggested. Allow them to spend ages staring at a tree trunk if thats what they want to do. Let them have the space and time to experience nature in their own way. If they live far from nature, set up a bird-feeder or windowsill garden.

  • Plan a trip to a local ranch to pick apples, strawberries, pumpkins or fresh vegetables, Ms. Torres said. They may enjoy scavenger hunts or stargazing. Keep exposing your child to new things so they can find the things that really excite them.

Actors On The Spectrum

An issue facing many underrepresented groups is the hiring of non-minority actors to play minority roles. This is often seen in Hollywood where white actors are hired to play BIPOC roles. The autistic community faces a similar problem.

Although Love On The Spectrum follows the real-life romantic lives of those on the spectrum, The Good Doctor and Atypical open the conversation to inclusive hiring practices. While the first season of Atypical did not feature any autistic actors, five autistic actors joined the production in the second season. Disability advocates praised the shows creator for the decision to provide more opportunities to underrepresented actors in the second season, although some critics still claim it is not enough to confront the problem.

The popular series The Good Doctor stars Freddie Highmore, who plays a surgeon with autism spectrum disorder and savant syndrome. Like Atypical, the lead character represents a small and often stereotyped depiction of autism. However, Freddie Highmore, who depicts Dr. Sean Murphy in the show, is not autistic.This casting choice represents an enormous problem in the industry: removing work for autistic actors. Although shows like Love On The Spectrum create a large opportunity for representation in popular media, there is still a significant gap in the hiring process.

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Why Do Autistic People Like Pokmon

Interestingly, despite Pokémon being the biggest entertainment franchise of all time , for many autistic people it is often the smaller ideas it carries that can explain why we are so likely to become hooked.

Take for example the main plot of the franchise where, regardless of whether you play the games or watch the show, the protagonist aims to be the Pokémon Master. When viewed over the shoulder of a loved one, this idea can seem quite grandiose and intimidating, yet, with every new release, this is always about beating 8, very similar gyms, and 4, very similar, elite trainers.

Furthermore, while the Pokémon battles these consist of may look complicated, the truth is, if you can understand Rock, Paper, Scissors, you already have what it takes to win a match wherein:

  • Fire-type Pokémon beat grass-types
  • Water-types beat fire-types
  • Grass-types beat water-types.

For autistic people this is perfect as, while our minds love to make lots of little connections between limited topics , we love it even more when we know that these connections wont be threatened with any kind of looming change. Pokémon therefore gives us this minimalistic security in spades and, as every new release contains hundreds of Pokémon which are new , this is constantly being reinforced without ever feeling overwhelming.

Kids On Autism Spectrum Find Community In Love Of Anime At Elkins Park Camp

The BBC says anime fans are autistic

Within White Pines Productions, an Elkins Park theater company, several kids spend the better part of a week in a dimly light room watching anime, drawing anime, and dressing as anime characters.

The anime camp the second this summer by White Pines welcomes kids on the autism spectrum, including Gabe Robinson, 11.

I like Spirited Away, Totoro, Dragon Ball, Case Closed also known as Midnight Conan, and many more, said Gabe, breathlessly running through his list of favorites.

Gabe is bright, talkative, smart, and engages quickly he shook my hand as soon as I entered the room. But he has a hard time reading other people, picking up on social cues.

Anime is helping, said his parents.

Autism is a complex thing, but communication, working collaboratively, seeing the world in a more holistic way, said his father, Christopher Robinson.

How you process the world in terms of social interaction, said Gabes mother, Sandra. Art helps him process socially.

This camp was created by Heidi Morein, a graduate student at Moore College, on the notion that kids with autism are prone to like anime. That notion is not grounded scientifically, and there are no formal studies making that connection.

It just seems to be that a large number of kids drawn to anime have Aspergers or are on the spectrum, said Morein, who has a teenage son with Aspergers syndrome. Thats very anecdotal. Pure observation on my part, and others.

Legions of devoted fans

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The Uneasy Relationship Between Autism And Anime

So lets take this down with one punch. Not all anime fans are autistic and not all autistic people are fans of anime. Likewise, of the autistic people who do like anime, some are perfectly content with a passing interest; solely watching heavy hitters like My Hero Academia , while others become happily obsessed to a point where they may even watch a Studio Ghibli film which isnt Spirited Away or Princess Mononoke .

Nevertheless, beliefs contradictory to these facts have resulted in autism having a weird place within the anime fandom. Whilst most anime fans are inviting of all diversities and neurodiversity, some in the anime community present toxic behaviour to distance themselves from having connotations with the spectrum.

But this isnt Why do anime fans HATE people with autism?. Instead, it shows how gatekeeping and the insecurity of some fans is damaging the opportunities and experiences that the fandom presents. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, on a higher level, the false accusations which people make about anime is really hurting the experiences of the people within the community.

Autism Fandom And The Inner World

This past week, an interesting question was posed to me about the connection between anime fans and autism. Lauren Orsini, the Otaku Journalist, spoke to me about how anime fans with autism tend to enjoy the medium because of its strong visuals. She asked me if there were any studies involving this. Coincidentally, a couple of days later, one great gem of an article on Disney being used to fight autism appeared and it got me thinking.

The New York Times article chronicles a familys struggle to connect with their autistic son. The son became autistic at age 3, but grew to love Disney cartoons and can recall many famous lines spoken by several characters from the movies. When he started to talk legibly because of his passion for all things Disney, the family was elated. However, it was far from over as the family had to deal with school politics, the stigma associated with mental illness, and possible setbacks to get their son to be able to grow into an independent young man.

Heres an excerpt that speaks to the wonders of imagination:

Isnt it amazing how he uses Disney characters as spiritual mentors to guide him to do the right thing in school and in life? The father said that he talked like Iago, the parrot from Aladdin, to get through to Owen once and he responded back normally. The family and Owens therapist even rolled out a treatment plan that you can call Disney therapy to make use of his inner world.

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Any Autistic Fans Out There

Light Lucario said:Anyway, I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome when I was about eleven. I think it was decided a few years ago to not have Asperger’s Syndrome as an official diagnosis anymore. I still often use the term, but I’m also more used to calling myself autistic than I was before. I was taught that Asperger’s Syndrome was different from autism, but I don’t think that’s really the case.

A different tale concerns Aspergers syndrome, which was first included by the DSM in 1994. Greenberg explains that this had some beneficial effects. It may not have been a disease but calling it one gave a hitherto neglected group of children access to support and educational services, as well as a sense of identity and community. The result though, was that from a worldwide prevalence of four in 10,000 for autism disorders in 1988, 20 years later this was one in 88. Alarmed at diagnostic rates getting out of hand, DSM-5 has removed Aspergers, replacing it with the umbrella term Autistic Spectrum Disorders. This means a higher threshold for diagnosis, according to Greenberg, and possibly less access to educational benefits for future generations.

Parker-Shepherd said:But a lot of doctors who diagnose autistic people aren’t all that nice. They mainly give out a list of things autistic kids will never do instead of focusing on what we’re actually capable of.

Hobbies And Activities To Enjoy With Your Autistic Child

The BBC Thinks Anime Fans Are Autistic?!

Steven Gans, MD, is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Whether your child with autism is on the mild or severe end of the autism spectrum, many ordinary childhood activities can be challenging. It can be hard to work around sensory issues, social and communication challenges, and a preference for repetition and routine.

The result, unhappily, is that many families avoid trying new things with their autistic family members.;But the fact that people with autism may not ask for company or explore new possibilities on their own is not a reason to give up. Instead, it’s an opportunity to find the best way to reach out and learn with and from them.

Verywell / Ellen Lindner

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Why Do So Many People On The Autism Spectrum Gravitate Toward Anime

  • Blog
  • Why Do So Many People on the Autism Spectrum Gravitate Toward Anime?
  • Anime is vehemently loved all over the world. Many people log on to their devices to stream episodes, play anime-based games, or read manga every day. These 2D Japanese animations have created one of the biggest fandoms in the online world.

    Anime is enjoyed by many people, including people with autism. In fact, many people on the spectrum love anime much more than they do live-action films or even other cartoons. What is the reason behind this appeal that anime has for people with autism? What is it that anime provides that other forms of entertainment dont? We have researched and read the answers given by anime fans with autism to find the reasons behind the appeal of this genre.

    How To Choose The Right Activity

    There are many ways for people with autism and their family members to enjoy hobbies and activities together. In some cases, accommodations are needed, but in many cases, autism is either no issue or is actually an advantage.

    The key to success, however, is to choose an activity and a venue that is comfortable for and interesting to your autistic child.

    To choose an appropriate activity, start by observing your child’s play and, if he is verbal, ask questions. What does your autistic family member enjoy? How does he or she choose to share interests with you?;

    Next, try joining your child’s activity. Rather than leaping in with your own ideas and direction, however, try following your child’s lead.

    Many of us have been taught that there’s a “right” and “wrong” way to play a game or build a structure, and we want our child to “do it right.” But when you’re working with an autistic child, the first and most important step is engagement and communication, not instruction.

    Think about ways to expand on your child’s interest. How can you take an interactive role in her favorite pastimes? How can you expand on her interests and help her to explore the world?

    If she likes watching Sesame Street, might she also enjoy a puppet show? If he loves collecting baseball cards, would he enjoy watching a game on TV or in the real world?

    If there are challenges think about ways to work around them to help your child to cope.

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    Anime Often Shows School Bullying

    If you’re an adult-adult like me, it can be a little irritating that there are so many anime centered around middle school or high school aged kids. But for people in middle and high school, anime can help viewers understand many everyday social challenges associated with school. I said before that anime fans primarily watch anime to escape reality. And if you’re talking about something like Flip Flappers, that’s completely true. But people also watch more realistic anime sometimes, and this is probably why: they get to see how other people handle distressing real-life situations. Stuff they wouldn’t know how to deal with if it happened to them.

    Many anime protagonists face bullying and social ostracism, which unfortunately many autistic people can relate to.

    Additional Reading: Was The Creator Of Pokmon Autistic

    The BBC Thinks Anime Fans Are Autistic?!

    Hang around the autism community for long enough and you are likely to hear someone say that, amongst the many greats our community has created, there sits one Satoshi Tajiri a man who just so happens to be the creator of Pokémon. During these accounts, many will cite that evidence of this is all around he was an avid bug collector when he was younger and the developer is exceptionally reclusive. However, does this mean its true?

    Well, if you do some online research, you will certainly find many articles saying that this is the case. Yet, in many circumstances these claims are unreferenced and, whats more, these articles often incorrectly feature the image of Tsunekazu Ishihara .

    Upon further investigation, it seems that the most concrete evidence I can find for this rumour leads back toTajiris biography a seemingly non-affiliated book which references a MySpace post where Tajiri announced he is autistic. This too proves problematic though as, since its publication, this post has been proven to come from a fake Satoshi Tajiri account .

    So, does this mean Tajiri is definitively autistic? No, but it doesnt mean he is not autistic either as, whilst researching this fact, I also spoke toPokémon Historian Dr Lavawho stated that his personal opinion is that its probably true although he believes that since theres no source, its probably inappropriate to publicly speculate about it.

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    Science Fiction And Fantasy

    Science fiction and fantasy are often of great interest to people with autism. Depending on their interest levels and abilities, people on the spectrum may learn every detail of a particular “universe,” write their own stories, watch and rewatch movies, read comics, attend cons, or even build their own costumes.

    There is a whole world of opportunity for hobbyists out there, at all levels. Find your inner caped crusader, and get involved.

    Men Arent Naturally Attracted To Breasts

    The presence of large-breasted statues and paintings doesnt necessarily point to a fixation on the chest for sexual reasons. The breast was the only means of nourishing an infant up until the 19th century. Because of this, a fixation on the breast as the symbol for life is a reasonable explanation for its prolific appearance across cultures. The idea that breasts were a way of competing for men makes little sense in light of cultural norms. Anthropologist Fran Mascia-Lees takes on this view and Youngs oxytocin argument by pointing out how not all men are attracted to breasts. She cautions: whenever evolutionary biologists suggest a universal reason for a behavior and emotion: how about the cultural differences? . For example, in some African and New Guinean cultures, women dont cover their chest, and men show a lack of interest in the exposed bosoms.

    What about breasts looking like a womans backside? This is a cultural projection of the West. Breasts dont look like a ladys backside without being squished together by bras and corsets. Both of which are Western inventions.

    In Japanese culture, you also find a distinct lack of interest in the chest until the modern era. If you look at Japanese woodblock print from the Edo period, not a lot of attention is lavished on the breast. Artists rendered other body parts; in loving detail, but they largely ignored breasts. Yoshihiko Shirakawa, an expert on woodblock prints states :

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